Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Hindi. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Hindi or Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Urdu is a Pakistani Islamic modernist theologist. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi an Indian subject of Pakistani origin, has done many scholarly and literary works in the fields of Muslim intellectual.
He believes in a literal understanding of the Holy Quran but unlike his friend and disciple, Abdullah Saeed Tabish, he is not an Islamic modernist.
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi is a supporter of Wahhabism and salafism; he believes in the infallibility of the "Prophet Mohammed" and thus is a Deobandi scholar and an advocate of Wahhabism.
He is one of the most influential figures in the international Wahhabi movement. He has co-founded the Jamiat Ahle Sunnat (JAAS) and the Wahhabi Deobandi Mosque, which he also runs. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi is a champion of the Deobandi anti-Shia Islam.
He has also made it clear that he does not believe in Ahl al-Bayt (Al-Sadiq and Al-Hashem).
His two books in Urdu are: "Yaqeen ul-Taahir" (Criterion of Reality) and "Quran ka Qissa" (Quran as a Narrative).
He has translated the hadith from Bukhari's book "Sahih Al-Bukhari" into Urdu.
He has written many books in Urdu and in English, besides working as a writer and a scholar.
Javed Ahmed Ghamidi has given an explanation on how the tauhid (unity) of Allah in his book Al-Tauhid.
His publications in English include: "The Criterion of Realism" (2007), "Qur'an as Narrative" (2009), "Qur'anic Dogma" (2011), "Logic and Reality" (2014), "Criterion of Faith" (2015), "Theology of Unity" (2016), "Dialogue with a Shaykh" (2018), and "Dialogue with the Prophet Muhammad" (2019).
(1) Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (2) Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
His books in Urdu include: Qaida-e-Safiyat.
(1) Sayyid be359ba680
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